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Typeface – Default 0004


Label/Catalog#: SM-LL / DEF0004
Release date: 2014
Source: WEB
Format: mp3
Quality: 320 kbps
Size: 52 MB
Genre: Electronic
Style: Techno

1. Kerning A (9:55)
2. Kerning B (13:05)

Default 0004 is the first release of Martin J Thompson’s new project ‘Typeface’ and the fifth release from SM-LL’s Default. Typeface takes inspiration from various practices and ideas around his interest in typography.

This two track release is a first step in exploring ‘kerning’ through electronic techno based music. Kerning is a typographical term given to the process of adjusting space between characters.

Default is a digital offshoot of SM-LL for the specific reason of flexible, creative and experimental direction, a reference point and inspiration for the main label… a default for SM-LL.

320 kbps

30.10.2014 TechnoARTIST:, Read more

en creux – Default 0003


Label/Catalog#: SM-LL / DEF0003
Release date: 2014
Source: WEB
Format: mp3
Quality: 320 kbps
Size: 41 MB
Genre: Electronic
Style: Techno

1. before (10:38)
2. between (7:27)

To posit a repetition is to enter the abstract and perfect world of art, a world where the text can appear and reappear despite the ongoingness of the ‘real world’. And yet, without this repetition, without the two-in-the-place-of-one, the one cannot come to be, for it is only by means of difference that identity can be articulated.” – On Longing by Susan Steward

320 kbps

30.10.2014 TechnoARTIST:, Read more

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