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Ajukaja & Andrevski – Rare Birds EP


Artist Ajukaja & Andrevski
Title Rare Birds EP
Genre Deep House
Catalog# LEVELS 002
Released 2014
MP3 Download Source Vinyl
Play Time 18:39 min
Total Tracks. 3
Bitrate 320 kbps

A1. Rare Birds ( 6:26)
A2. Expensive Shit ( 6:32)
A3. Jam1 (Short Version) ( 5:41)

As a selector for the Standard Place party and host of the excellent No Boring Intros NTS show, Jon Rust already commands a formidable reputation amongst those that know. It’s becoming increasingly evident Rust’s eye and ear for sonic excellence is making his Levels label one to watch. This second release throws the spotlight on Estonian producers Ajukaja and Andrevski and is a real delight! Ajukaja is something of a musical hero back in Estonia and we suggest you check out the Porridge Bullet label he runs if you like what you hear on these three tracks. Drawing their formative interests in industrial and ambient sounds into the deep house template, Ajukaja and Andrevski are on most impressive form with A Side cut “Rare Birds” which positively glides in a manner akin to a Tallin-born Mr Beatnick. Do not sleep on this!

320 kbps

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