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Dadub – Secret Thirteen Mix 100


Label: Secret Thirteen Journal
Catalog#: STJ 100
Release date: 16-12-2013
Source: WEB, Mixtape
Format: MP3
Quality: 320 kbps
Size: 237 mb
Genre: Electronic
Style: Techno, Experimental, IDM, Ambient, Electronic

1. Luigi Russolo – Risveglio Di Una Città
2. Inner8 – Studio II su feedbacks & riverberi [Unreleased]
3. John Cage – Williams Mix (1952)
4. Technophonic Chamber Orchestra – Introphonic [Suite Inc.]
5. Vladimir Ussachevsky – Sonic Contours
6. Grün – Deep Green [Dromoscope]
7. Iannis Xenakis – Concret PH
8. Bretschneider & Steinbrüchel – Basis [12K]
9. Dadub – Unbroken Continuity [Stroboscopic Artefacts]
10. – Zucchine Alla Scapece [Hefty Rec]
11. TCO – Prune [We Play! Records]
12. Brian Eno – Signals [Virgin]
13. Dadub – Vibration [Stroboscopic Artefacts]
14. Demdike Stare – Kommunion (Alternate Version) [Modern Love]
15. Grün – Fioritura [Dromoscope]
16. Dadub – Soundscape 1 (Atonal Festival 2013 Liveset) [Unreleased]
17. Ina Ynoki – Kosmos [Dromoscope]
18. Dadub – Arrival (Atonal Festival 2013 Liveset) [Unreleased]
19. Ina Ynoki – Mutant [Dromoscope]
20. Barry Truax – Basilica
21. Fabio Perletta – Field: Atom(s) Entropy [Farmacia 901]
22. Resina – [Track 12, from Disco Compatto Numero Uno / Idroscalo d’Autore]
23. The Bug – Skeng (Autechre Remix) [Ninja Tune]
24. William Basinski – Melancholia I [2062]
25. Arovane – Evlecc [DIN]
26. Resina – Muschià [Mousike Lab]
27. Alva Noto – Prototyp P [Raster-Noton]
28. Jan Jelinek – Moiré (Piano & Organ) [~scape]
29. Julien Neto – Voy [Type]
30. Deru – Spread Your Arms [Merck]
31. Arve henriksen – Opening Image [Rune Grammofon]
32. Pan•American – Inside Elevation [Kranky]
33. Lullaby From Itsuki Village (Flute & Sitar)
34. Ceephax – Nordic House [Firstcask Records]
35. Mogwai – A Cheery Wave From Stranded Youngsters [Chemikal Underground]
36. Japanese Traditional Vocal And Instrumental Music
37. Marsen Jules – Œillet En Delta [City Centre Offices]
38. Marsen Jules – Œillet Sauvage [City Centre Offices]
39. Lula Pena – Rosa [Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation]
40. Colleen – I’ll Read You A Story [Leaf]
41. King Midas Sound – Surround Me [Soul Jazz Records]
42. Chris Clark – Indigo Optimus [Warp Records]
43. Rechenzentrum – Ahab [Kitty-Yo]
44. Icarus – Fijaka [Recordings Of Substance]
45. Shuttle358 – Frame [12k]
46. Julien Neto – III [Type]
47. DeepChord Presents Echospace – First Point Of Aries [Modern Love]
48. Rhythm & Sound – Aerial [Rhythm & Sound]

The authors of the mix are Daniele Antezza and Giovanni Conti, also known as Dadub, an Italian electronic music duo and mastering engineers based in Berlin, Germany. Dadub used to be a solo project started by sound designer and musician Antezza in 2008. However, soon he was joined by Conti who was working on the interactive digital art projects at that time. Conti has brought a vast baggage of knowledge about hardware and software and duo immersed into producing. Both members are working in Artefacts Mastering studio and are highly connected to Stroboscopic Artefacts label where they have released 4 EPs and recent critically acclaimed debut album “You Are Eternity”. Influenced by King Tubby and fascinated by Lee Scratch Perry’s mix board experiments, Dadub is looking for innovative ways to merge old production formulas, new technical possibilities and sound constructing modules. “We care a lot of low frequencies and deep hypnotic atmospheres, and we both were drummers, so we guess the beats are important for us, both the patterns and the sounds,” Dadub says about their music characteristics in the interview for Electric Deluxe. While combining embossed techno rhythms and music related to dub and ambient sound textures, Dadub extracts carefully measured audio structures that could be described as moving colossal monuments. Their dynamic and powerful live performances were showcased internationally at Sonar festival in Barcelona, Melt! festival in Germany and in clubs from Berlin to Moscow and New York. So there is no doubt that the audience will hear a lot from this prominent duo in the nearest future.

By following Dadub’s recent recordings for Boiler Room, Resident Advisor and Electronic Explorations Secret Thirteen is happy to present their latest influential selection together with the celebration of the 100th mix of ours. Dadub’s selection indirectly reflects our previous mixes because it carries a lot of different stylistic motives ranging from techno, IDM, experimental to ambient, world and contemporary music. “The selection encompasses different historical moments of electronic music evolution, from the first futurist experiments (Russolo’s composition was composed in 1914) ’till the contemporary approaches,” says Dadub. The duo has connected 48 lasting records to form the sustained almost 2 hours complex mix where they have used tracks as tools to express their emotions through them. Even though the selection is deliberately eclectic Dadub wisely finds alternative ways to connect the most capricious tracks and to mask the tension between pieces that sometimes resonate. Spectral content of recorded material is always changing and smoothly reshaping its trajectory, it balances between formless compositions and rhythmical sound architecture. Dadub uses diverse audio layers to form completely new structures, new harmonies and constantly expanding sound constructions. They have dubbed and overdubbed this mix by using their new effect set up, a feedback system made by using analog vintage mixer and a couple of dirty delays. It is important to mention that this mix includes many diverse records that were evolved from dub music or could be strongly related to this genre. Among the sublime works by such respectable talents as John Cage, William Basinski, Demdike Stare, Jan Jelinek, Rhythm and Sound, the listener will hear 4 pieces from Dadub catalog too. 2 of Dadub’s unpublished experimentations were cut from their performance at Atonal Festival 2013. All in all, “Secret Thirteen Mix 100” is a picturesque and attentively planned audio expedition through depths of emotional horizons and peaks of timeless electronic music.

320 kbps

16.12.2013 Ambient / Downtempo  Electronic  Experimental  IDM  TechnoARTIST:, , Read more

Dadub – RA.356


Label: Resident Advisor
Catalog#: RA.356
Country: UK
Release date: 25-03-2013
Source: WEB, Mixed
Format: MP3
Quality: 160 kbps
Size: 95 mb
Genre: Electronic
Style: Ambient, Techno, Experimental, Abstract, Tribal, Noise, Modern Classical

1. Bass Communion & Muslimgauze – Two
2. Dino Sabatini – Prophecy
3. MB & ICS – Severe Provata
4. Muslimgauze – Find Yugoslav Butcher Of Muslims
5. Dadub – Birth
6. Dadub – Temptation Of Maya
7. Muslimgauze – Shishla Nain Royal Bidjar
8. Celer – Peak Pressure
9. Dadub – Transfer (feat. King Cannibal)
10. Grÿn – Danza Linfatica II
11. L.B. Dub Corp – Choctaw Dub
12. Sardinia Bass Legalize – Spring Is Coming (Peak Remix)
13. Shed – I Come By Night
14. Splatter – Believe In Nothing (Original Mix)
15. Peder – Abiding Path (Gabeen & Dr. Hoffmann Remix)
16. Dadub – Life (Rrose Remix)
17. Andrea Belluzzi – A01 (Original Mix)
18. Alex Bau – Red Chromosome (Flashback Mix)
19. Pattern Repeat – A1 Original Mix
20. Sendai – Without The Written Word (Part 2)
21. – Attrazione Magnetica
22. Dadub – Truth
23. PVS – Fuckin’ Society (Dadub Remix)
24. Dadub – Vibration
25. Dadub – Life
26. Dubit & Scalameriya – Instinct (Dadub Remix)
27. Dadub – Unlawful Assembly (Al Bielek Takeover)
28. Shed – RQ-170
29. Rapoon – Saffron Fires
30. Rapoon – The Temple Shakes
31. Function – Variance IV (Regis Edit)
32. Cristian Glitch & Grieche – Hell Inside (Original Mix)
33. – -32°F Porcelain , Metal & Ice
34. Maesia – Sleeping Without Silence
35. Dadub – Endless
36. Robert Henke – Fragment Endlos – Berlin 1992
37. Minos Ticazi – Brainwave Zither Impro
38. Yoshihiro Kawasaki – Suikinkutsu Water Chime
39. Rafael Anton Irisarri – Waking Expectations
40. Bersarin Quartett – St. Petersburg
41. James Ruskin – Cast Down
42. Peak – omftStars
43. – Descending Into Crevasse
44. Ben Frost – Ó God Protect Me

26.03.2013 Ambient / Downtempo  Electronic  Experimental  TechnoARTIST:, Read more

Dadub – You Are Eternity


Label: Stroboscopic Artefacts
Catalog#: SACD003
Release date: 18-02-2013
Source: WEB, Album
Format: MP3
Quality: 320 kbps
Size: 155 mb
Genre: Electronic
Style: Ambient, Dub Techno, Dub, Experimental, Electronic

01. Vibration
02. Truth
03. Life
04. Path
05. Circle (feat. Edit Select)
06. Death
07. Transfer (feat. King Cannibal)
08. Arrival
09. Unbroken Continuity
10. Experience (feat. Øe)
11. Existence
12. Iridescent Fragment

“‘You Are Eternity’ is the third album to be released on Stroboscopic Artefacts and comes from two of the minds who have shaped the label since its earliest days: Dadub. Recorded over a period of two years, but containing fragments and ideas that stretch back a decade ‘You Are Eternity’ has been mixed together to form a continuous piece rather than twelve discreet tracks. The effect? An immersive journey that encompasses the descriptors brutal, ferocious, ambient and aqueous.

It would be easy to describe the album’s structure as that of two halves, but it’s not that simple. The structure that Dadub has developed is cyclical at its most compliant, and elliptical at its most oblique. Within these forms the sounds that emerge run the gamut of electronic music. ‘Existence’ and ‘Unbroken Continuity’ explore futuristic, atmospheric states. ‘Path’ swaggers with rippled dub. Embedded into ‘Truth’ is a polemic sample of Henry Waxman questioning Alan Greenspan. And the same record houses ‘Transfer’, a staunch cut that’s more than fortified to do some damage.

In the studio Dadub’s process is nothing short of alchemical. Their characteristic sound originates from entirely digital sources, but their sound treatments reanimate this raw material filling it with warmth and human emotion. The source loops and synthesised lines are run through countless channels and complex chains of effects to arrive at a destination unrecognisable from the points of origin. Dadub are true sound materialists.

Knowing that Dadub place so much emphasis on process, it’s all the more interesting to hear their collaborations with other artists and ‘You Are Eternity’ is graced by fellow SA cohort Edit Select, the sound experimenter Øe and Ninja Tunes stalwart King Cannibal. It is indeed King Cannibal who teamed up for the album’s most ferocious cut ‘Transfer’. Whereas ‘Experience’ ft. Øe is a hazy slither of atmospherica. And the only straight kick of the entire record is to be found on the track with the most elusive subject matter, ‘Death’ ft. Edit Select, a collaborative elegy on the ultimate unknown. ‘You Are Eternity’ tends towards spaces that are undefined, that are unquantifiable – this album is a foray into Jenseits.

The album title hints at the almost spiritual origins of the album, Dadub’s search for music that goes further, that spreads away from the confines of the time and place in which we find ourselves, music that seeps into the cavern of the eternal. Tucked into ‘Vibration’, the very first track, is a sample of the Afrobeat pioneer Fela Kuti. He leans close and says: Music is a spiritual gift, and those who misuse it, die young. Sage words. ‘You Are Eternity’ is a record that refuses to take any chances, Dadub are clearly producers intent on being around for quite some time.” Clare Molloy

320 kbps

18.02.2013 Album  Ambient / Downtempo  Electronic  ExperimentalARTIST:, Read more

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