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Jon Dixon – Lineage EP

Label/Cat#: 4EVR 4WRD – 4EVR 006
Year: 25 January, 2021
Genre: Detroit Techno, House
Source: WEB
Format: Flac
Quality: lossless

1. While In Lockdown (05:40)
2. Lineage (06:55)
3. Spider’s Pocket (04:30)
4. 12:03 IN 303 (05:08)

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What made jazz great was the fact that it never stayed the same. It always evolved and morphed. As the times changed, so did the musician. I’ve had so many great teachers and mentors over the years, that I can find myself getting stuck in my own box. So I’ve decided to step back, take a few approaches to music that I’ve forgotten about over the years, and build on these small techniques. Let’s just call them minor inventions. This process of creating was unique and different for me….as it should be. It is with great pleasure I present my alias minor INVENTION

25.01.2021 House Techno , Label 4EVR 4WRD

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