Surgeon – From Farthest Known Objects

Year: 29 January, 2016
Format: mp3
Quality: 320 kbps
Size: 115 mb
Genre: Electronic
Style: Techno
1. EGS-zs8-1 (6:41)
2. Z8_GND_5296 (6:28)
3. SXDF-NB1006-2 (6:44)
4. GN-108036 (6:16)
5. BDF-3299 (6:46)
6. ULAS J1120+0641 (5:52)
7. A1703 ZD6 (4:52)
8. BDF-521 (7:01)
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Anthony Child claims that the inspiration for his seventh artist album came from using hardware to receive transmissions from far-flung galaxies. He then hooked up with astrophysicist Dr Andrew Read – a former collaborator – to work out the bewildering track titles. That’s the concept. The reality is that Objects is a dense, grainy work. It feels like Child has deconstructed or in some more extreme situations has hacked away at tropes like minimalism, clicks and cuts and dub step to reveal an inner, hidden world. On the first few tracks, this alternate reality resounds to a sluggish pace, amid the crackle and groan of cleaved percussion and tortured subs, but it gradually comes round to stepping, broken beat techno and lunging rhythms. That these also descend into pulverising walls of white noise and nausea-inducing frequency shifts at times also serve as a reminder that Child has tuned into something other or inner-worldly
03.02.2016 Album Techno Surgeon
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