DJ Overdose – Higher and Higher

Artist DJ Overdose
Title Higher And Higher
Genre Electronic, Electro, House
Label Pinkman
Catalog# PNKMN 05
Released 24 mar 2014
flac Download Source WEB
Play Time 22:25 min
Total Tracks. 5
1. Sneaking ( 4:16)
2. Delta force III ( 4:07)
3. Reinforcements ( 5:21)
4. Higher And Higher ( 4:54)
5. The Target ( 3:47)
Oh how the Pinkman keeps us waiting! The Rotterdam label headed by Patrick Marsman first revealed plans to welcome DJ Overdose into the fold over six months ago. Finally Higher and Higher arrives, adding to the label’s impressive releases from DRVG CVLTVRE, Roberto Auser, Creta Kano and Myriadd. Five tracks deep, Higher & Higher is a perfect display of Overdose’s many production nuances, with the spirit of John Carpenter running through the brittle and bleak synth scape opener “Sneaking”. The mood instantly switches with “Delta Force III”, a neck snapping exercise in Utopian electro whilst the rugged “Reinforcements” is the kind of track Helena Hauff would pull for. The contrasts continue on the B Side where the sinister title track almost combusts due to the sheer amount of elements grinding chaotically against each other, whereas final track “The Target” is notable for the amount of space within the mix.
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24.06.2020 Electro Electronic House DJ Overdose, Lossless, Pinkman
re up please – flac if possible