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Vernon – New Beats


Artist Vernon
Title New Beats
Genre Techno, House
Label Dixon Avenue Basement Jams
Catalog# DABJ-1209
Released 2013
MP3 Download Source WEB
Play Time 24:40 min
Total Tracks. 4
Bitrate 320 kbps

1. 55 Rules ( 5:13)
2. Awakening in Antwerp ( 7:11)
3. Belgium Stance ( 6:21)
4. Dark River ( 5:55)

It’s been a rollercoaster year for Vernon as his explosion on the scene has ridden the crest of the Dixon Avenue Basement Jams assault on po-faced dance music. Without once becoming trashy the techincolour dazzle of his synth work bursts out of New Beats, demanding you sit up and pay attention. There’s plenty of different moods on offer, from the loping swinging acid of “Dark River” to the peak-time thrust of “Awakening In Antwerp”s new beat laced electro-techno. The best moments come on the flipside though, from the taut drum sex of “Belgium Stance” to the searching funk of “55 Rules”.

320 kbps

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