Recent posts: music
Post Type Release/Album
A professional solution for your music that includes a post type dedicated to your albums/releases. Each release can contain infinite tracks, and each track can be related to infinite authors. The authors are automatically linked to the relative artist page, and in the artist page are listed all the releases where the artist is in.
Pretty awesome no? That’s why if you are looking for a professional solution for your music wordpress website, this theme is for sure the best solution that you will ever find, with a completely re-designed graphic for the new 2014 design trends, a lot of color skins and infinite color possibilities!
28.08.2014 mp3-postsARTIST:Album, band, dj, music, music wordpress theme Read more
Mixcloud post
This is an auto embed mixcloud podcast, just link to the podcast and the theme will do the rest. Much faster than WordPress native oembed!!
Soundcloud track
The powerful theme function makes the Soundcloud embedding even easier and more SEO friendly! Much faster than the WordPress native Soundcloud embedding is also responsive and transforms any link to a soundcloud track into an embedded player. This also allows you to still use the native oData embed method if you want.
All you need for your music website is here!
28.08.2014 mp3-postsARTIST:embedded, javascript, music, soundcloud, wordpress Read more
Choose the most powerful music WordPress theme!
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Mauris gravida urna vel odio rhoncus aliquet. Nullam vel tortor turpis. Quisque rhoncus, neque sed scelerisque vulputate, ligula mauris tempus quam, eu gravida lorem mauris id magna. Donec at sapien vel mauris volutpat mattis. Donec non lacus ut velit gravida dictum. Maecenas ut malesuada diam, nec consequat ipsum. Pellentesque et ante sit amet tortor vehicula congue. Mauris suscipit dignissim viverra. Nulla eget placerat justo. Fusce eu risus tempus nunc faucibus sollicitudin sit amet eu sapien. Cras odio arcu, luctus vel lectus id, finibus feugiat tortor. Curabitur suscipit nisi id enim ullamcorper, eu vulputate velit fermentum. Mauris nec diam in diam pretium ornare. Praesent ullamcorper imperdiet imperdiet. Morbi in sapien aliquet, dictum lacus non, finibus nunc. Curabitur id dui ac eros molestie molestie vel in lacus.
24.08.2014 mp3-postsARTIST:music, music wordpress theme Read more
- Album
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Latest Posts
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