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Anthony Child – The Space Between People and Things

Anthony Child - The Space Between People and Things

Catalog#: NNA054
Release date: 05-03-2013
Source: WEB
Format: MP3
Quality: 320 kbps
Size: 93 mb
Genre: Electronic
Style: Abstract, Experimental, Ambient, Electronic

1. ANTHONY CHILD : The Space Between People and Things (Part 1)
2. ANTHONY CHILD : The Space Between People and Things (Part 2)

Anthony Child presents his first solo album – outside of his work as Surgeon – in over a decade. As with his turn-of-the-millenium drops on Downwards and FatCat, (‘Boys, School Showers & Swimming Pools’; splits with Jansky Noise and Stock, Hausen & Walkman), he uses his birth name to denote his non-dancefloor and texture-based experiments, as he explains that this record “…consists of location recordings, tonal experiments, and thought-forms from many different positions in space and time. It is the sound of the space between people and things.” Using a palette of source material created over the last 16 years, Child’s music here both exists in and emphasises negative space, favouring bright, visceral dissonance for its physical, kinaesthetic qualities in a sort of inverted harmonic co-action with your listening space. The album plays through seamlessly, as it would on the original tape edition, ideal to absorb the whole piece properly. Both parts are conducted with glacial patience not normally associated with his techno work, gradually ascending through shimmering polychrome wormhole to ostensibly static microtones and deeply trippy choral voices, to a more dynamic 2nd half collage of diffused field recordings, computer music and electro-acoustic noise. It’s by far the most interesting record we’ve heard from him in years. RIYL Bernard Parmegiani, Hecker & Haswell, EVOL, Emptyset.

320 kbps

13.03.2013 Ambient / Downtempo  Electronic  ExperimentalARTIST:, Read more

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