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Bosques De Mi Mente ‎– … De Los Valles Y Las Montañas

Label/Cat#: Fluttery Records – FLTTRY103
Country: US
Year: 19 Mar 2016
Genre: Electronic, Classical
Style: Classical, Contemporary, Modern, Neo-Classical, Post-Modern, Ambient
Format: CD, Album, Stereo

1. Resuenan Sus Ecos En Las Despiadadas Cumbres Nevadas
2. Cuando Habíamos Perdido Toda Esperanza
3. Cerramos Los Ojos e Ignoramos La Realidad Que Se Cernía Sobre Nosotros
4. … De Los Valles y Las Montañas
5. Aquello Que Creíamos Perdido
6. No Quedan Apenas Silencios
7. El Día Que Todo Se Detuvo
8. Quisiera Poder Ver El Mundo Con Tus Ojos
9. El Fin De Las Cosas, Parte 1
10. El Fin De Las Cosas, Parte 2

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… De Los Valles y Las Montañas” is a critical reflection on the duality of our existence on earth, of hate and love, of technology and wilderness, of civilization and brutality, of noise and silence. We live in world of skyscraper filled cities and vast, empty wilderness. There is a fragile balance there, so fragile it seems like on the edge of scattering into pieces. It’s sad and beautiful at the same time.
This duality is present in “… de los valles y las montañas”, gentle piano lines and violin melodies confront the screaming noise of street preachers and the background noises, almost trying to cast some light in the dar scenery. The music here does not try to make any judgments, it just tries to allow the listener a moment of peace to think about it.

08.09.2016 Album Ambient / Downtempo Label Fluttery

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